The process of opening a new animal shelter or veterinary hospital can be very daunting. There are so many decisions to make—selecting a design team, determining the project budget, finalizing facility engineering and design, constructing the building, and finding/maintaining staff, among many other decisions. It can become very overwhelming very quickly.
Site Selection Recommendations
One of your many decisions that the Design Learned team of building experts can help you with is to determine the best property for your organization. You must consider a few factors and questions when selecting a property for animal care: price, size, location/zoning, and existing land improvements.
Essential Questions to Consider for Your Property
Pricing Questions
How much does the property cost?
Is the value of the property consistent with the price?
Can you afford the cost of the property and construction of the new facility?
What price range should you be exploring for a new property?
Size Questions
What is the size of the property?
How much space will your facility need?
Is there adequate space for outdoor areas on the property, like play yards and parking?
How much of the property is useable/unuseable for your purposes?
Location & Zoning Questions
Is the property in a good location for the services you plan to provide?
Is the property zoned for use to allow animal care facilities?
Who would be your neighbors?
Are there any land development restrictions on the property?
Existing Land Improvements Questions
How developed is the property?
Does the property have utility connections?
Does the property already have structures?
Is the property served by city utilities?
What infrastructure (if any) is already in place?
These are just a few factors and questions you must consider when purchasing a property. Each factor can significantly impact your decision to buy or pass on a property.
Next Steps with Property Selection
An initial way that Design Learned supports clients is through site selection recommendations to assist in a property search. These recommendations provide context for what to look for when searching for a location. Design Learned also offers review services for properties that have existing buildings that you want to retrofit for use.
Design Learned can assist you from the very early stages of your animal care facility building project. Our building experts and animal care engineers will ensure that you are set on the best path for the remainder of the project. Call us at 860-889-7078 or schedule a consultation online to discuss your project and see how the Design Learned team of experts can bring value to your decision-making process.